Are you scheduled to attend a Food Safety class and exam in the near future? If so, we have the questions that will be on your exam right here. Or at least they'll be very similar to the questions that we've posted below in the various PDF files here on our web page.
Feel free to use them as practice or studying materials to familiarize yourself with the actual ServSafe Exam that you'll be taking at the end of your class session. We hope that you have as much fun learning from them as we had in drawing them up for you. These questions are based upon the most recent ServSafe exams.
Why did we post the exam questions on our website, you might ask? We did it because we are in your corner, and we want to support your effort to do an excellent job. Everyone's health is important, and we want you to know how to keep food safe.
We hope you will take advantage of these valuable resources prior to setting up and then attending your Food Protection Manager Certification Class and Exam. We sincerely hope this helps you. Remember, we are here to help you, and we want you to call on us for your Food Safety training.
We also realize that you may work irregular hours. But even if you don't, and you have a regular schedule, you should know that we make ourselves available no matter what day, or what time, to set-up whatever is best for you! We want the opportunity to provide you the food safety class with our Dream Team of Consultant/Instructors.
We feel that you should also know that the exams change every day. Nobody ever will take the same exam as you- ever. That's not a mistake, either. It's by design, and you can thank the National Restaurant Association for that.
Because the exam is based on the FDA Model Food Code, you can expect to see questions on the exam regarding a whole bunch of things that you've never seen or done before in a kitchen! That's right! This is another reason why you want the Dream Team of Consultant/Instructors from PME and Rest Ops Solutions to be the ones teaching your class! They're really the only ones who know how to bring it all together in a way for you to be able to solve the questions on the exam! You want to pass the first time taking the exam, right? You need really want us, then.
ServSafe and NEHA use the FDA Model Food Code to test your familiarity with food safety- so, no matter where you work, no matter where you work, no matter what you do at work, you will be tested on the exact same information that the health inspectors have to know. They use the FDA Model Food Code, so they maintain uniformity no matter what the business model, and no matter who operates it.
Here are some interesting facts about the FDA Model Food Code:
It is the minimum national standards for food safety procedures
all health departments utilize it when they conduct a health inspection
The FDA Model Food Code is written by the FDA
The FDA comes out every four years
Supplements are administered as often as needed between 4-yr distribution period
Today's current version is 2017 (yes, they're very late/behind)
Everything "food" is in the FDA Model Food Code
If you would like to take a peek at the FDA Model Food Code, click here.
For Assistance, CALL the DREAM TEAM @ 888-695-9926 or 281-923-6892
We operate from four main "hubs" - San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, and Austin

We designed the listed quizzes and practice tests below, to contain highly similar questions (in nature) to the actual ones on the ServSafe Manager's exam. In attending our classes, you'll get the help you need to concentrate and focus your attention to the theory, logic, and concepts presented from within the study materials given to you during the beginning of your class. We'll prepare you to captivate the essence of how to be able to mentally interpret the underlying message that is the target of each of the learning objectives.
So many people from all sorts of business models come to our classes and tell us about their terrible experiences from their past food safety classes. The common denominator of each story told is the lack of training skills and abilities of the person teaching and hosting the class- the instructor. This doesn't surprise us anymore. We hear that all the time.
It is important to point this out because many participants taking the food safety class and exam with our competitors will subsequently fail their exam, or if they've already taken their class, they failed it, too. And that becomes quite an expensive disservice. Intellectual curiosity stoked our interest into this anomaly, so we compiled a "think tank" to solve the concern and better serve our client/participants. What our studies into this matter produced was a pattern and trend pointing to the reason for the high rate of people failing.
THE ANSWER: participants are NOT taught to see and to understand the underlying messages within the questions, which alternatively tend to be the subject material not clearly presented in class. And THAT is because the instructor did NOT understand the material well enough, or at all, in order to sufficiently explain it to the participants in a way that makes sense to everyone. Of equal negative significance and impact is that those other instructors fail to convey, correlate, and to demonstrate verbally, the subject material that DOES apply to participants at their food establishment. And in many cases, it's quite a bit. But consequently enough, the subject material is NOT explained in a format that can be understood. That is an instructor problem, and this is exactly WHY you need to call on the Dream Team.
A simple example of subject material that is not understood by our competitor instructors. And therefore, it is misrepresented in all of their classes: Question- "to protect foods from the proliferation of pathogenic growth and time and temperature abuse, which product should be kept under refrigeration at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less until being used? A.) peanut butter in a glass jar B). shelf-stable, oven-baked bread C). fresh, whole, uncut tomato; or D). shell eggs in their Styrofoam carton.
The Answer is D). shell eggs in a Styrofoam carton.
Although you may not use shell eggs or any of the food products in the question at your food operation, the theory and concept is to keep cold foods cold (and hot foods hot-although not stated in the question), to prevent time & temperature abuse. So, while the food products mentioned in the test question may not be foods that you work with at your food operation, you actually are responsible for the control of time & temperature of food products to prevent the growth of pathogens on the food product.
Call the Dream Team. We want to make you successful, and the one at your food operation who knows best how to apply the concepts of Food Safety.
888-695-9926 832-581-7096 281-923-5583 512-523-5423 210-727-7514
Email Us: info@RestOpsSolutions.com

Quiz #1
Quiz #2
Quiz #6
Quiz #7
Quiz #3
Quiz #8
Quiz #4
Quiz #9
Quiz #5
Quiz #10

Quiz #11
Quiz #12
Quiz #13
Quiz #14
Practice Test
Practice Test
Take Care to Give Care
Things Aren't What They Seem
Start 'Em Out Right

Sample of our Class Lecture: FAT TOM

FAT TOM is an acronym that stands for: Food, Acidity, Time, Temperature, Oxygen, and Moisture. It is an important condition, and it plays a vital role in Food Safety Training. We recommend taking the time to get very familiar with the term and especially all of the components associated with it. FAT TOM is an acronym that is used widely throughout the Food Industry.
Our Food Safety Consultant/Instructors will teach you food science like nobody has ever done before. You'll learn "why" you have to work the way you do in your kitchen, and "why" it is important scientifically, and especially for food safety purposes.
Each one of our Consultant/Instructors is certified and licensed by the governmental regulatory sources, and they are ALL well-rehearsed in every aspect of the food industry. Rest Ops Solutions/Premiere Management Enterprises (PME) is quite heavily involved with the training of many of the Health Department Inspectors at the local, state, and federal levels, and we have every intention of making a significant positive impact on food safety in America.
We spend countless hours as Speakers at federal regulatory training sessions & workshops, and we present intense lectures for local and state agencies, all over the U.S. The training that we provide for the Health Inspection staff members is in the areas of food safety and the commercial processing compliance measures.
We teach compliance enforcement agencies regarding any number of food products entering commerce into different parts of the country (importing/exporting).
Each of our Consultant/Instructors has several years of solid experience in operating their own restaurant(s) and each one is officially classified as a Food Safety Specialist and/or Inspector.
When it comes down to everything food safety and being capable of solving the greatest challenges of today's constantly changing food business, the Dream Team at Rest Ops Solutions & Premiere Management Enterprises brings the best of both worlds together!
Call the Dream Team at 888-695-9926 or email us: info@RestOpsSolutions.com.
or email us: PremiereMgmtEnt@yahoo.com
See us on Facebook

Rest Ops Solutions is proud to be your source for providing profitable solutions to the challenges you face. In these photos, ROS consultants pioneered the entire business model for what was the first Halal slaughtering plant just outside of Houston, Texas.

We operate from four main "hubs" - San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, and Austin